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unverified 5y, 70d ago

I also liked Tree a lot. But for my needs, iThoughts can emulate the core functionality pretty good. I use the following settings on my "tree map style": Map Layout = Horizontal Down; Align Levels; Topic Hugging off

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unverified 5y, 72d ago

Mind maps can write notes for you when it comes to reviewing. You have the map then the notes.keep the map and notes on computer for session or,make the notes and pdf order.i never made notes unless I had to.

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IRkcZyqm 5y, 72d ago [edited]

Anyone know why Tree is defunct? Does anyone have an old copy lying around somewhere? I miss it a lot.

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unverified 5y, 72d ago

I'm a huge fan of Curio, which has great mind mapping features but also a lot of other attributes. There is no IOS companion app, but that's not a concern for me.

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Brett 5y, 72d ago

I also love Curio, though I find mind mapping easier in a dedicated application. Curio with embedded iThoughts maps, though, is a pretty perfect solution for larger brainstorming tasks.

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