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8geyXMPF 5y, 253d ago

Taking a page out of Rocket's (and Slack's) book, I went ahead and created keyboard shortcuts in System Preferences for emoji I use frequently that follow the format ":emojidescription" (e.g. :catscream). The description isn't necessarily the emoji's official name, just what makes sense in my head. They sync via iCloud so they work across all my devices and they follow the convention I'm used to using in Slack which makes adding emoji consistent pretty much anywhere I'm at.

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Brett 5y, 252d ago

I like it!

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cQ4Y5FN8 5y, 257d ago

You can use Launchbar to search for emojis too. Works well.

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unverified 5y, 257d ago

about Emojise: it seems it's not free. 1.99$ on the store

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unverified 5y, 258d ago

I'd recommend trying a free app called Emojise. I've been using it for a couple years and it's so quick and easy.

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4fkPaih5 5y, 258d ago

I’m a fan of Rocket for Mac. It allows you to insert emoji quickly in a Slack-like fashion. Lives in the menu bar.

Rocket for Mac

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