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unverified 5y, 153d ago

typo: per say -> per se

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unverified 5y, 157d ago

Will you migrate to Zsh shell afterwards? As Zsh becomes the default, why switch to Fish instead of investing your time to Zsh?

Just wondering for myself, not judging. I figured I should learn Zsh and now I'm wondering if I should instead take on Fish. /ponder

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Brett 5y, 156d ago

The default changing was just a catalyst for me. You can still install and use whatever shell you like, so nothing says “zsh or bust.” But yes, I’m tackling zsh next :).

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Yd0Iq5Tm 5y, 156d ago

Good! I look forward to your feedback and tricks with Zsh. 👍

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unverified 5y, 155d ago

yes! looking forward for zsh comments too

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