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unverified 3y, 356d ago

This is really clever. Thanks for sharing!

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unverified 3y, 357d ago


The answer to typing "└" on a Mac is to use Unicode hex input. The page at has a good step by step for doing that and there is a good table of the characters at

Given all that copying and pasting from the table is best unless you do it often enough to remember the numbers. :)

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MdeVVQF6 3y, 357d ago

This may be a stupid question for all you nerds out there, but... how do I type the "└" on a Mac?

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Brett 3y, 357d ago

Not stupid, and if anyone has a real answer, I'd love to know. But I just go to a page like this and copy the character I need. If I use it frequently enough, it gets a TextExpander snippet. But that annoyance is part of why I wanted a service to do this for me automatically :).

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