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TJ Luoma 14y, 97d ago

Holy crap, that's cool.

The only way I got it to work was using the "drag URL from Safari to NValt's notes list.

I'm not sure what "ctrl + click Copy Link" means. Where are you seeing "Copy Link? In NValt or Safari or ?

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ttscoff 14y, 97d ago

Ctrl-click any highlighted link in os x, then choose copy link…

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Doug 14y, 98d ago

Holy cow...took me by surprise too...

This reminds me of the "NV bookmarks also save search settings" feature that I stumbled on in the GitHub discussions one day.

I can't wait to see what we find next...


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scrod 14y, 99d ago

Oops, "my bad"; I forgot to apply the copy-basic-styles check to that case.

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scrod 14y, 99d ago

Glad you noticed! I think I added that feature about three years ago. You can also just drag the URL icon directly into the notes list.

If you'd prefer that NV didn't preserve bold and italic, just uncheck
Preferences > Editing > Copy basic styles from other apps.
NV uses the same style-conversion rules when importing web pages as it does for any copied/pasted text.

I think I tried to use Markdownify a while ago and found it to be pretty unreliable for general-purpose HTML.

Be sure to push any new changes you make to github so that they can be included in the mainline branch (if they fit).

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Brett 14y, 98d ago

That's awesome.

I'm pushing all of my changes to my nv fork for now. ALT is headed in a direction that I don't think is appropriate for Notational Velocity (muddies the waters), though, so I'll probably be setting up a new repo with a new name in the future. I'll keep you posted.

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scrod 14y, 97d ago

so I’ll probably be setting up a new repo with a new name in the future. I’ll keep you posted.

You might want to be careful with that; if you make it a separate project you could have a much more difficult time merging-in future changes that I will be making to NV (e.g., better tagging and synchronization, important bug-fixes, etc.).

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Brett 14y, 97d ago

True. And your grasp of the underlying code is far, far greater than mine, so it would probably be wise to keep it in the loop. Thanks for the advice :).

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