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Daniel Whicker 10y, 212d ago

pgrep and pkill arent's distributed natively with OSX. You can add them by installing proctors via fink (or maybe brew?). fp as written will work for OSX, but needs some subtle adjust for Solaris or Linux.

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GT 10y, 206d ago

Perhaps this package isn't installed by default, but it certainly comes from Apple:

 % pkgutil --files | grep pgrep
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Daniel Whicker 10y, 206d ago

You're absolutely correct! When did they add this one? proctools has been on my build list since 10.4.

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GT 10y, 213d ago

You could probably use pgrep, e.g.

/usr/bin/pgrep -fi pattern

as a simpler implementation of your fp() function, although I might be missing a subtlety of your command pipeline.

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