Hi Brett, sorry to be a bother but it seems that the nice fade effect doesn't work with the first several appearance options. Instead it's a clear line separating what's left of the track from what's passed. Any way to get Nightfall-esque fading?
Unless I'm misunderstanding and there's some visual glitch, that's very much by design. i.e. it's not "not working," it's that I made them with sharp lines.
I may eventually add a standard and blurred option for each theme, but it it's something you want now, all the CSS and HTML is inside the Jacket if you "Show Package Contents" in Finder. Feel free to copy the blur styles from one to the other, but note that there's some JavaScript in the index.html file that will need updated class names.
Ha, gotcha. For some reason I thought it must be a glitch because it sometimes looks blurry for a split second as it's transitioning between Appearance types. Thanks for the info.
After playing around with the jacket itself, I've adjusted this to fit the 1280 x 800 of Retina 13", which also happens to look pretty nice if I switch to 1440 x 900. Thanks Brett!