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Ches Martin 14y, 249d ago

Just wanted to note that if you've installed the "Bundle Development" bundle, you should already have a Show Scope command like that mentioned here (bound to Ctrl+Shift+p by default I believe), and a separate command for copying it (Ctrl+Shift+Cmd+c).

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btadmin 14y, 249d ago

Thanks for noting that. subtlegradient's bundles have a few more complex versions as well. I just wanted to show a simple way to grab for those who didn't already have a command to do it (and might not have figured out scopes yet).

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Christina Warren 14y, 256d ago

Thanks so much for the shout-out! Now I feel bad for not mentioning Twilight (which is because it's built in, incidentally -- my goal was to highlight non built-in themes), which I agree is absolutely awesome!

I use Tubster myself but may have to use your multi-theme approach in the future! You rock!

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