I value all the tips and legend busters you shared above, Andrew. I concur with a great deal of those. I take all that I read on the web about "blog tips" while taking other factors into consideration. Everybody seems to know more than the other. To be honest, in the event that I was new to blogging, I'd be truly befuddled. As a veteran to blogging, it tends to be befuddling also. What I saw as supportive to me is experimentation. Peruse all the blog tips you need, nonetheless, no single blog or blogger is similar. Find what works best for you and the goal(s) you wish to accomplish.
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Really useful Brett ... but can you please expand "I use a TaskPaper formatted list to make it easy to clean up as I mark things @done" Do you add a taskpaper extension to the note, generate it in TaskPaper, clean it up in TaskPaper? I guess I haven't understood fully how nvALT handles different file extensions, and the benefit of them.