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Ryan Wells 7y, 281d ago

Hey Brett,

Nice post and thank you for opportunity to geek out on text expanding! I'm an evangelist too.

Alongside the 'major expansions' I use it for a lot of more trivial things like:

long words, salutations, commonly misspelt words, words I can't remember, insertion of punctuation and capitalisation in words like here's which I find allows me to type without losing my rhythm.

Here's a few of mine to give you a flavour:

ebay > eBay
dept > department
govt > government
belguim > Belgium
heres > here's
noone > no-one
espe > especially
todays > today's
maintanance > maintenance
Im > I'm
gua > guarantee
yt > YouTube
cliches > clichés
diag > diagram
shes > she's
ac > AutoCAD
obvs > obvious
wp > WordPress
np > No problem
ga > Good afternoon
ty > thank you
pwd > password
wld > would
gd > good
yest > yesterday
mon > Monday
cld > could
pls > please
opp > opportunity
imm > immediately
appr > appreciate
att > attached
unf > unfortunately
esp > especially
doc > document

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ttscoff 7y, 281d ago

Nice, thanks for sharing!

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Ryan Wells 7y, 278d ago

You're very welcome Brett. Like I say huge fan of text expansion! One of my favourite topics.

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zettt 7y, 290d ago

I think you're going to like this change a lot, Brett! I've had these short expansions for years, and I'm so thankful. My original TextExpander set was called "German Acronyms". Essentially a collection I took from a dictionary that expands common acronyms like "z.B. → zum Beispiel" (for example), "Hbf. → Hauptbahnhof" (main station), "etc. → et cetera". I've used a double-period at the end, so that I could still use the acronyms without interference. In case of "etc." the acronym is just more common than its abbreviation. My collection also includes things like "dk → danke" (thanks).

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morrowplanet 7y, 292d ago

Love these! I regularly use yr-> “your”

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