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Bart 12y, 212d ago

I tried to drag something to see if I encountered the problem you explained, but I didn't understand. After reading on I discovered that I already used the method you described. Obvious to some, for others, quite useful I can imagine.

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Edoardo Galvagno 12y, 212d ago

I've used the "thumb trick" for a couple of months but I had to stop as the thumb was aching too much (even today it aches just thinking of doing that movement…), I even had to enable click-to-tap as I was not able to physically push down with the thumb.

And yes, I've enabled three fingers dragging as well. And as Dan says above I've noticed the short delay, that I find very useful.

And on 10.8 the dragging-lifting-dragging seems to work even better.

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John 12y, 213d ago

I've found the best solution to this problem for me is to enable click-to-tap and drag-locking. This way, once I begin a drag, I can continue to use the keyboard with both hands until I decide to complete the drop.

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Victor 12y, 213d ago

I don't know if you're aware of the existence of dragondrop, but I find that it solves the complex-drags problem for me quite nicely. It's a really simple tool, but has become essential to the way I work, to the point where I miss it as much as I do 1Password and Alfred on computers that don't have it installed. :)

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Don Morris 12y, 214d ago

Dan (above) is correct: there is a slight delay after lifting your finger, so one can continue the drag after repositioning. This annoys me once in a while when I'm selecting text and forget about the feature, since cmd-C (copy) is ignored during that delay.

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Chris Upchurch 12y, 214d ago

I tend to use my index finger to initiate a drag, then continue it with my middle finger if necessary (yes, that finger is useful for something besides expressing yourself).

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Brett 12y, 214d ago

Unless your fingers are more flexible than mine or you happen to have way more patience, I guarantee the thumb method is easier once you get used to it.

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Dan H. 12y, 214d ago

It seems to me that on my MacBook, using three fingers to move items around allows a short delay to lift your fingers and begin an additional movement before it drops the item in place. I too used to do the hold with one finger and move with the others, but this was a pleasant surprise. You may have to turn the feature on in the trackpad settings.

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Brett 12y, 214d ago

Ooh, I really don't like the three-finger drag. I use three finger swipes in too many places (BetterTouchTool) to do that...

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