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Marty Newbie 13y, 193d ago

I'm just getting started with using note apps and was wondering whether there is an interface between Evernote and NValt. Most of the postings I've read seem to recommend using Simplenote instead, is there a major difference?

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Brett 13y, 193d ago

There's no direct sync with Evernote. nvALT and Simplenote focus on plain text, Evernote uses rich text. Two-way sync would be nearly impossible.

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Thomas 13y, 288d ago

Hm, being a regular reader of your blog, I wonder why you quit using Evernote. I am by myself not a big Evernote fan, but when I remember, you were for a long time. Could you give us a hint what's your new solution. Goes everything into nvalt?

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ttscoff 13y, 288d ago

Oh, I didn't quit using Evernote, I just primarily use it for PDF and snapshot storage now. Text notes are much faster and easier in nvALT.

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Mason 13y, 286d ago


You are awesome - I love your blog, and the tools you are constantly making.

And based on the above comment, I'm using nvALT and Evernote in the exact same way. I'm also looking forward to the next iteration of nvALT. If I remember from the notes, you're going to make it easier to print/save pdfs from the rendered markdown which will slim up my workflow a little.

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