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unverified 3y, 168d ago

The last comment still work, "caffeinate -d -s -t 3600000 &" if anyone is wondering. Confirmed on OS X 11.6

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8yNqZJk5 5y, 188d ago

Brett, is this still working for you? I'm seeing some random 'net comments with people saying it doesn't actually do anything for the last couple of macOS versions? Thanks in advance!

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Brett 5y, 187d ago

I think they might be right. I don't use it often but I'm pretty sure last time I did it failed to do anything at all.

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unverified 5y, 133d ago

Brett, this IS working for me now w a minor tweak: caffeinate -d -s -t 3600000 &

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Brett 5y, 132d ago

Excellent, thanks for the update!

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Shawn Patrick Rice 11y, 16d ago

Caffeinate is pretty cool, and I finally uninstalled the trusty Caffeine after a while. But, I wanted an easier way to control it. I use Alfred, and I have the PowerPack, so, quite a while ago, I wrote a nice little workflow that will let you enable/disable it and set the preferences for just how you want to invoke it. If you're an Alfred user and want a copy of that workflow, you can find it here:

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Aaron Bach 11y, 27d ago

AWESOME. Had no clue this existed (despite having used Caffeine for many years).

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