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Steven 14y, 199d ago

Brett, the increment and deincrement scripts are awesome! Thanks so much for writing and sharing :)

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btadmin 14y, 199d ago

Absolutely, glad they're helpful!

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Adam 14y, 284d ago

Hi Brett - one other question if you don't mind.. and I'm not even sure how it happened because it was working fine for a while... but now when I run the expand dates script through TaskPaper, it pops up the AppleScript Editor. I click "Run" and it runs through and expands the date. But I'm not sure why it's popping open. One thing I did notice was in the "replies" section after running it I'm getting the following error:

do shell script "\"/Users/adamr/Library/Application Support/TaskPaper/Scripts/Expand Dates.scptd/Contents/Resources/Scripts/tp_chronify.rb\" \"monday\""
--> error number -10004

Any ideas?

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ttscoff 14y, 284d ago

Hm. I've had that happen to scripts before, and I can't remember what was causing it. You could try compiling the script as an app bundle instead of a script bundle… but that error is going to be problematic. Do you know if you've upgraded your Ruby installation lately?

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Adam 14y, 284d ago

Not that I know of but I did just get a new MBP. I used the OSX migration tool to bring my stuff over. Would that explain anything?

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ttscoff 14y, 284d ago

Could actually be a permissions issue. Easiest thing would be to remove the scripts and reinstall them from the archive here. I'm not absolutely sure there's not something in my script that could be different (like not calling a shell script within a tell block, maybe), but I'm not having any issues like that. The 10004 error is a "privileges error," which I think could be caused by a change in ACL or permissions on the file or directory. I could be wrong… I'll look into it on my end, but let me know if any of that helps.

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Adam 14y, 283d ago

Also - I did try removing the scripts and installing them again from here. That didn't work.

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Adam 14y, 283d ago

The permissions look the same as the other scripts I have. One thing to note is that when I run the script it pops open the Apple Script Editor. It doesn't actually automatically run the script. It's only after I hit "Run" manually that it runs, correctly expands the date and returns the error code.

All I did to check the permissions was "Get Info" on the file. If there is a different (or more detailed) view of the permissions to look at, let me know.

I also tried converting it to an app but then it can't find the bundle contents .rb files.

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Adam 14y, 311d ago

Really looking forward to the natural language date script. Thanks for posting.

The ruby chronic library doesn't appear to be in the download. Can you check?

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Adam 14y, 311d ago

Never mind.. seems to work anyway.. maybe I already have it on my system?

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ttscoff 14y, 311d ago

It's inside of the .scptd bundle itself :).

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