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Junegunn Choi 9y, 342d ago

Hi Brett,

I noticed that you use `-s 20` option for fzf in your script. fzf was completely rewritten in Go earlier this year, and since it's much faster than the old Ruby version (you can now use fzf with input with a few million entries: `locate / | fzf`), `--sort=LIMIT` option whose purpose was to limit the response time of the query, is no longer used and silently ignored.

The most recent version of fzf is now 0.9.7. Apart from the performance boost, it has a few more options you can use for scripting.

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ttscoff 9y, 342d ago

Awesome, thanks for pointing it out! Nice work, too :).

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Jason 9y, 349d ago

Do you source fasd and other tools likes this or use it as an executable?

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ttscoff 9y, 349d ago

I source them.

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Jason 9y, 349d ago

How do you properly source it so all functionality is available? Thanks!

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ttscoff 9y, 349d ago

I use Bash-it. fasd and others are available as plugins, and I build plugin files for my own functions.

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José 9y, 350d ago

Brett, have you tried Ranger?

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