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Jose 13y, 40d ago

Brett, excellent first release. I can't imagine what the final version would be like. Meanwhile, I am already using it. Though the current version seems to have problems with images, at least from Wikipedia. I'm solving that problem by running the following sed right after Gather.

sed "s://[a-z][a-z]&#092.wikipedia&" file.mmd > new-file.mmd

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Hubert CAMPAN 13y, 40d ago

Brett, I love this new app. Well done !

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Jered 13y, 43d ago

Brett love the application. This is what I have spent ages looking for. One small question/request. Could the app possibly be used on locally saved HTML files? I have managed to extract from Evernote all my "Liked" Instapaper articles, but ultimately want to convert them to Markdown…

remark link
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pattulus 13y, 42d ago

You can already do this - you only have to use the correct file URL like

remark link parent
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pattulus 13y, 42d ago

Applications like Path Finder or TotalFinder have this feature implemented, but you can setup your own script/service or whatever pretty easily:

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Lauri Ranta 13y, 43d ago

So now we have to choose between nvALT vs Marky vs read2text vs Gather, and in the case of Marky whether we're feeling Sarah Palin folksy or like F-bombs today.

I'm pretty excited to hear about that extensive roadmap though... Seriously html2text, who uses * * * for HRs.

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Jamison Judd 13y, 43d ago

Thanks so much for all the awesome tools. I've been reformatting several large sites using markdown and Marked. This will make it so much easier to pull in the old content for editing and cleanup. You rock!

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Phil 13y, 43d ago

This is going to be very useful. Looking forward to the finished product. Gave it a couple of quick tries (including your site) and it is fast and, so far, accurate. I like the use of referenced links rather than embedded links.

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Mathew 13y, 43d ago

Like already! Excited to see how this develops. Many thanks.

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Pedro Lobo 13y, 43d ago

Can't wait to see what you come up with! If marked is any indicator of what you can do with a simple and practical idead then I'm sold!

Best of luck!

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m1chael 13y, 43d ago

this is cool i could imagine this being a linchpin of something or other. i am confident you have have grand designs.

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