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EWAS 11y, 165d ago

ForkLift is a good software, but if you are looking for the cheaper alternative try CRAX (

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cyberbobcity 11y, 187d ago

Brett, do you use ForkLift or TotalFinder as your primary Finder replacement?

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ttscoff 11y, 187d ago

TotalFinder. I use ForkLift when I need some of its advanced features, but don't entirely replace Finder with it.

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cyberbobcity 11y, 187d ago

Thanks much for the response! I really appreciate all the work you do. I'm an nvALT/plain text convert and recently discovered your Systematic podcast. I started at the beginning and have been devouring as many episodes as I can fit in. Keep up the good work!

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deanishe 11y, 189d ago

Be warned: ForkLift doesn't verify SSL certificates. You probably shouldn't trust it for encrypted WebDAV connections. No idea if its FTPS or S3 connections are secure.

The MAS version of ForkLift is fairly extensively hobbled and missing the cooler features.

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katy lavallee 11y, 190d ago

Why have I never heard of this app?

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ttscoff 11y, 190d ago

Like I said, not mentioned nearly enough. It's been around for years… and always given Path Finder a run for the money, at least in my book.

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FranzJosefKnelangen 11y, 190d ago

Yes! Forklift was the one thing I missed after switching to the Mac (besides of Quicken, of course) - bought PathFinder 1st since I didn't know anything about FL, but it is *way* to overloaded. FL is fast, reliable and I use it every day. I like it a lot (what I don't like is the name FL and this my 1st sony icon :-)

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