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kidpixo 10y, 204d ago

I'm successfully using Marked2 with pandoc as processor with :

pandoc --standalone --mathjax --from=markdown --to=html

I know it could be not in your knowledge, but you are smart !
When I try to pass a bibliography (it is executed via pandoc-citeproc)

pandoc --bibliography=$MYBIB --standalone --mathjax --from=markdown --to=html

Marked2 doesn't to show anything, even it it does produce some html as if I didn't pass the --bibliography option.

Running exactly the same command+option in the shell produce perfectly valid html files in both cases.

Using --bibliography option could slow the process, could be Marked2 sensible to this?


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ttscoff 10y, 204d ago

That's a question for the support site. Please see

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kidpixo 10y, 204d ago

Thanks, I didn't see that.

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