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Bob Sica 12y, 116d ago

I support your decision if you decide to drop Simplenote. Simplenote sounded great, I used it for about a year and had these deltetion issues. I dumped it for Dropbox sync and never regreted it, and have never had an issue. Instead of Simplenote support you can work on iOSnvALT :-)

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Fred Cheng 12y, 117d ago

Hi guys, Simplenote developer here, this was the result of a change we made last night (ironically to try and reduce sync errors between 3rd party clients and Simplenote). We've fixed it this morning, and are still investigating exactly what the interaction between nvALT-Simplenote is that caused notes to be deleted from nvALT.

As Brett mentioned your notes are still in the web app, and if you modify them there, it should reappear in nvALT.

Sorry for the trouble everyone, if anyone has any issues recovering notes please email us at

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flo 12y, 117d ago

it´s a pity, really… i´ve relied on simplenote + nv(ALT) for a few years now, and i haven´t found a iOS text editor that i liked as much as the simplenote app.
is there any editor that allows syncing tags with nvALT?

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Juha Ranta 12y, 114d ago

No, the Dropbox text editors on iOS don't sync the tags. They can't do that because the Dropbox API doesn't allow it. Bomb Dropbox so that they'll implement general tags and we'll see them used more often in iOS apps. ;)

Otherwise, Brett recommends the apps Elements, Notesy and Notely. Of these, I have only experience with Notesy and it's very good. Many of the text editing and text based notes apps for Dropbox don't work very well for syncing, offline and full text search (while in the file view, like in nvALT), but Notesy handles there very well. The biggest problem I have with it is that when I sometimes start to write a topic/filename on the search field and then can't find a button to create a new note - maybe if enough people sent requests for single field for search and file creation, even if as an option, they'd create it.

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Mark Knight 12y, 117d ago

Thanks for a quick post. Just noticed this problem. I already have my notes in Dropbox, but forgive me if I've not done enough homework: am I right in thinking that without Simplenote support there'd be no way to use tags outside NVAlt?

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Wes Campaigne 12y, 117d ago

As far as I can tell, that is correct. That's the big drawback that kept me from entirely switching away from Simplenote for a while... Eventually (about a month ago) after yet another syncing problem I decided I really don't use tagging much anyway and switched over completely.

As for the technical reasons why tagging isn't synced through Dropbox: NVAlt uses OpenMeta for tagging files, and Dropbox has limited support for that. Specifically, Dropbox will preserve the OM tags when syncing between desktop clients; however, the public API does not expose this data, so mobile text editors have no access to the tag info.

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Juha Ranta 12y, 114d ago

I'd love it if Dropbox would support its own tags. If the operation system or the client program supported tags, such as OpenMeta, Dropbox would use those.

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Ja'far 12y, 117d ago

I was using Simplenote syncing because I have an Android phone and it worked well using Andronote. I will move to Dropbox syncing but does anyone know of an Android app that I can use to access the notes from Dropbox easily?

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Ja'far 12y, 117d ago

Well, to answer my own question, I'm trying Epistle now. It looks good so far.

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afen 12y, 117d ago

Thanks. Have you heard or tested so called nvnote on ios?

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Juha Ranta 12y, 112d ago

Yes, he has written about it (has using Google got very hard lately?):

I tried this app quickly but it's not very good.

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James Schmidt 12y, 117d ago

Thanks staying on top of this! I noticed the problem this morning, checked around to see if anyone else was having similar problems, and found your update on the issue. Moving my notes over to DropBox is long overdue and this is more than reason enough to do it.

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Geoff 12y, 117d ago

I understand why moving to Dropbox sync is the best solution for many. However, I need my notes at the office, and while IT blocks Dropbox I can get to the Simplenote sync server. (Resoph Notes on PC is pretty good.) This makes Simplenote sync a very useful solution for me (despite its issues, like lost data from the iOS app on spotty cellular connections).

Justnotes might be a decent alternative for those who want or need to stick with Simplenote sync. I believe it uses the new API.

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Bill K 12y, 117d ago

Geoff, you may want to try TextDrop - it's a browser based text editor that you can link to your dropbox and set up password based access to circumvent blocking of Dropbox. I use it on my work laptop.

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Geoff 12y, 117d ago

Oops, does work; the other URL must be something else. Cool!

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Geoff 12y, 117d ago

Bill — thanks, but no-go.

"This Websense category is filtered: Adult Material."

Naughty text. Could we words about anything.

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Sachi Wilson 12y, 117d ago

Geoff, are you not able to access your dropbox account on a browser? That might get around the IT block.

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Geoff 12y, 117d ago

Nope — website is blocked as well.

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