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TJ Luoma 12y, 151d ago

In your bash scripts, I'm guessing you're in the habit of quoting args if they have a space, but you might want to use $@ instead of $1. That will make urlenc hello world give the expected result.

(Does this post make me look like a pedantic PITA? If so, sorry :-)

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Brett 12y, 151d ago

Nah, you just sound like a PITA. If I look through my scripts I use $@ about half the time, and then a bizarre mix of less elegant solutions. Not sure why I don't always think of that. Old habits...

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Jorge 12y, 254d ago

It would be nice if the webpage was iphone-friendlier. The experience now is kind of a pain.

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Tormod 12y, 269d ago

This looks really handy, especially as nvALT crashes when using the service. But how do I get the nv: handler to work? The javascript seems to stop or never really take of. Would like to give some better bug report here… but I don't really know exactly what to submit.

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Brett 12y, 266d ago

Are you using the bookmarklet? The link at the bottom of the nv url result page? The handler may or may not be set up, depending on your system. RCDefaultApp is really handy for making sure url handlers go to the apps they're supposed to. To recognize the plain nv:// handler, you need to be running the 2.2 beta, too. Otherwise you have to change the handler to nvalt://.

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