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Anders 12y, 223d ago

sorry for doubleposting but i wanted to mention that i really would donate some small amount if you helped me out cause i really want this to work

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Anders 12y, 223d ago

Man it drives me crazy. Doesn't work for me. Don't know how to debug it. And don't know how to describe my problem cause i never done ruby or something with launchd.

Simply changed the path to my Dropbox path commented line 24 and run the script via Lingon. is there a way to output some debugging information like in javascript using alert() or something, simply to find "where" the problem is?

Yeah - this sounds really dumb. I know :) - but I am dumb in this situation :) .

This idea is so incredible that I totally want to make it work.

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Maurizio Manuguerra 12y, 363d ago

Thanks for the script, really appreciated.
It's interesting that the script works also without TaskPaper and DayOne installed on my Mac, but just using them on an iOS device (which is cheaper) and synchronising with Dropbox.
The only change required is in the "mdfind" line, as kMDItemKind == "TaskPaperDocumentType" is not recognised (as TaskPaper is not installed). It would be possible to create a dummy application (e.g. in Automator) and export a new UTI, but simply searching in the right Dropbox folder solved the problem for me.

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Amelchi 13y, 17d ago

Hello Brett

it gives me this:
error “sh: line 1: /usr/local/bin/dayone: No such file or directory” number 127

but the terminal gives this:
ln: /usr/local/bin/dayone: File exists

Where I am dummy wrong?



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HelgeG 13y, 20d ago

This is a very useful script. I was struggling a bit during testing, as I had the TaskPaper documents open, and mdfind will only find them if they are closed. Once I realised that, it worked as expected. I use Lingon to create the required launchctl files, it is a lot easier than hacking the files manually.

You are a true script magician.

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Jered Benoit 13y, 23d ago

Thank you for linking to my AppleScript!

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