Left to right: Skitch and Quiet for screenshots. Simplify for Spotify control. nvALT, 1Password, Dropzone, Droplr, TextExpander, Dropbox, Fantastical, Tags, GrowlVoice for Google Voice, Teleport, Apptivate, Air Video Server.
You'll ask me why I use Apptivate with LaunchBar, too, but I like hotkeys, especially sequence hotkeys. I can hit F4-F4 to load MindMeister, or F4-m to load Mindjet, for example. It's just muscle memory.
I know you're a huge fan of Launchbar, aptivate etc, but I'd liek to recommend that you give Alfredapp a try (Powerpack). It is very scriptable, you can assign global shortcuts (key combinations) to apps, scripts and alot more. From what I've read you could possibly eliminate 2 apps with just Alfredapp.
Same boat here. I own the PowerPack and have repeatedly tried to get used to Alfred. Part of it is that Launchbar is such an integral part of my workflow and I know it so intimately that the keystrokes are embedded in my brain. Alfred isn't consistent with that navigation, so it's hard for me to make the mental switch. If I gave it a solid run for long enough to build new muscle memory, I'd probably love it. LaunchBar offers everything I think I need, though, so it's hard for me to justify that time.
It really is a great app, and for people who aren't already settled into a launcher I do recommend it.
While not directed at me and with the caveat that I haven't used Alfred in a while, but do have the power pack: The problem with Alfred is that it has different interfaces for different things. With launch bar it tends to figure out what I want, without me having to tell it what I want. I want in and out quick, and I always feel like with alfred I get stuck in Alfred.
Navigating is also not as convenient, requiring the use of the arrow keys a lot. As a text mate user Brett may find this useful.
I'd really be happy to know that what I believe is wrong though, I'd love to use alfred if I could because it looks nice and is actively developed, there are just minor things that annoy me.
First off I have no affiliation to Alfred, just like it allot ;)
I admit that Alfred does require a small learning curve to use it to it's full potential (I'm still not there yet ;) ) but once you overcome it I believe your minor annoyances will be vanquished.
Most interfaces can be accessed directly with a hotkey, extensions give you access to various services and tools. It is not necessary to navigate the list with arrows (cmd + # ) activates the corresponding item.
Another interesting possibility is the fact that you can activate multiple items at once as described in Alfred tips (makes opening all apps I need for work in the morning a breeze)
I find it fits into my workflow differently. Personal preference, but when it comes to filing and uploading and clipping, I just prefer being able to drop the files and get an immediate action. It's kind of like a palette of LaunchBar actions that are more quickly accessible.