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Andre Arko 13y, 225d ago

I tried to install this today, but remotetabs.rb is truncated, and leaves off in the middle of an %{osascript string. Any chance of getting the full script?

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Brett 13y, 225d ago

Looks like my highlighter broke. I took the markup off of it so the whole script shows up on the page now.

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John 13y, 319d ago

I haven't set this up yet, but rather than ssh scripts, but it feels like there could be something even more special using dropbox and hazel. Have the remotetabs.rb dumping every N seconds to dropbox and on the local side having Hazel watching it and executing the osascript ?

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Tony 13y, 320d ago

appscript is something you might find handy for this sort of thing - it allows you to access AppleScript object access directly in Ruby and Python, without the need to do callouts to osascript. http://appscript.sourceforg...

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Brett 13y, 320d ago

I try to avoid requiring additional software installations in scripts I plan to share, but appscript could definitely be a useful tool.

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Justin 13y, 320d ago

Since Pinboard released its official extension with tab set saving, I've been using that to shift tab sets between Macs.

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Brett 13y, 320d ago

I don't see that option in the official extension (Pinbar) or any of the other ones… how do you get to it?

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Michelle Gill 13y, 319d ago

The latest beta (v. 2.65) of the Safari Pinboard Extension definitely has a "save tabs" function. It will show up by default in the Pinboard Toolbar.

I've not tried the stable version (2.6) of the Pinboard Extension, so I'm not certain if it's there or not.

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