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godbaleunitgown 10y, 31d ago

If you live in the US You can get lots of online coupons on this website
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LambdaDriver 10y, 46d ago

What a great find! I've wanted a personal archive like this ever since I heard about the one Stephen Wolfram uses. Was going to cobble something together using elasticsearch and node but paying for this product is so much cheaper.

There are a couple of issues I found with the way they've packaged the standalone app, but they're quick fixes I'll be emailing the authors about.

Looking forward to syntax highlighting, offline rendering of the sites (in case they disappear), and being able to configure your own elasticsearch cluster in a non-hacky way.

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flippyhead 10y, 53d ago

Hi guys! We've heard you loud and clear and changed our model. Native users now own their copy of Fetching. The subscription simply entities you to updates for a year. If you don't care about updates after a year no problem, your Fetching app will continue to function normally forever.

Thanks again ttscoff for the great feedback!

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Martin Kelley 10y, 63d ago

I really like the idea but hesitate over adding another subscription to the list (too many bounced bank balances when something pulled at the wrong end of my paycheck cycle). I'll try the 30 days though. Thanks for sharing this again.

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Geoff Taylor 10y, 64d ago

I've been using the "native" Fetching for a few months. Really like it. Not so keen about the subscription model, but I did register for a year.

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ttscoff 10y, 63d ago

I'm with you guys. I've been talking with them about their plans and I think I at least convinced them that not everybody wants to pay yearly to run a native app. Fine for the hosted version, but if you're running it locally, I think it really should be a one time purchase with paid major upgrades.

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