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RJ 10y, 241d ago

Not sure if it is important enough to note someplace, but for those upgrading the non-MAS version, don't let any cleaner's clean up the "left behind" stuff from Marked (Cache and Application Support folders) as Marked 2 keeps using the same folders despite the app name change. In my case I installed Marked 2.3, started it, working great, then deleted Marked 2.2 and Hazel wanted to chuck the support files.

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ttscoff 10y, 241d ago

That shouldn't be the case at all. Marked 2 moves everything into ~/Library/Containers/com.brettterpstra.marked2. It does not, however, copy your custom CSS from the Application Support folder, if that's the problem you're running into. Because you're allowed to load CSS from anywhere on the drive, I decided to just have it continue to reference the same points.

In the near future Marked will start actually "importing" CSS styles and allowing you to open and edit them from the preference panel.

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RJ 10y, 240d ago

I shouldn't have interpreted what it meant, but you are correct - I lost my custom CSS files (recovered from backup). Checking what files Hazel had thrown away I didn't see any new cache files for Marked 2 so assumed the version 2.2's was also being used. I should have phrased it as a question rather than statement.

So - when you say it will import, will it copy them into the container (/Volumes/MacDrive/Users/someuser/Library/Containers/com.brettterpstra.marked2/Data/Library/Application Support/Marked 2/Custom CSS) or will it be possible to just make a link at that location to where I keep my custom CSS?

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ttscoff 10y, 240d ago

My thought is that it will copy specified styles into its Container folder and allow users to edit from there, the way that MultiMarkdown Composer does. I intend to create a "bundle" format for styles that allows additional metadata and options to be specified in a custom style, while still allowing plain CSS editing to take place. The details are still a bit fuzzy and I'm open to input.

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RJ 10y, 242d ago

I have the non-app store version already. Is there any benefit (to me - I hope it would benefit you) to buying the App Store version as well?

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ttscoff 10y, 242d ago

They're exactly the same, just different update mechanisms.

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Micah Cooper 10y, 242d ago

Note, I realize this is completely not your problem, but it's crashing on me on a certain beta OS when I open a doc — just FYI and if others are having the same issue.

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ttscoff 10y, 242d ago

Known issue. I needed to ship the current version, but Yosemite fixes are on the way.

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Micah Cooper 10y, 242d ago

If you're looking for folks obviously foolish enough to play with not-fully baked code, let me know (seriously, love Marked and will be missing it until fixes arrive). ;)

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ttscoff 10y, 242d ago

Email me from and I'll add you to the beta list.

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Stuart 10y, 242d ago

Totally love Marked and use it every single day, however I've just updated it and nvALT is no longer recognising it as an option to preview markdown. Am I missing something obvious here, or do you know how I can switch this functionality back on please?

Again, excellent work!

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ttscoff 10y, 242d ago

It's because I had to change the bundle ID and binary name for this release. It will be updated in nvALT shortly. In the meantime, note that you can drag your notes folder directly onto the Marked 2 icon and it will always preview the current note you're editing.

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Stuart 10y, 240d ago

Cool, thanks forgetting back to me. That's a cool feature being able to drag on to the Marked 2 icon and previewing the current note.

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