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seishonagon 11y, 54d ago

Hi Brett,
If I open the index.html file in safari or chrome, all I see is the top row (with the buttons for each cheat sheet) but they do nothing (status bar does correctly say "Open file:/// xxx") but there is no action.
It looks to me as if the JavaScript is not working on my machine - yet its activated in the Safari preference.
Do you have ANY idea of where to look for JavaScript that's not working? If not, I'll just reinstall Mavericks on my machine. Past due anyway ;-)

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ttscoff 11y, 54d ago

You have to run Cheaters from a "server", meaning you need to set up a virtual host on your machine. See the project page for instructions on doing that. Accessing it directly as a file in most browsers runs into a security issue that prevents the JS from loading the other files.

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seishonagon 11y, 54d ago

Thanks for that. I actually had two issues. One was BKAC - I forgot to set the Output for the second automator action to "input URL". So I couldn't get method one to work - my bad.
The second issue is much weirder. I referred Fluid to the index.html file and when I launched the application, it triggered my OpenDNS error message ("your page doesn't exist"). This error finally disappeared when I rebuilt the Fluid app from scratch using a different name altogether ( instead of
Now it works, and it's great! Thanks again for your help.

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