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Jonathan Hollin 9y, 287d ago

Isn't this something already provided by Yosemite? A three-finger tap on a URL will produce a preview. Or am I missing something?

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ttscoff 9y, 287d ago

In what apps? Three-finger tap opens Dictionary for me…

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Darren McGuicken 9y, 287d ago

In 10.10.3 a three-finger tap on something seems to mimic the Force Tap gesture; for normal text this brings up the Dictionary/Wikipedia/App Store view, but for something which a given app presents as a link, it does indeed bring up a pop up preview.

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ttscoff 9y, 287d ago

This doesn't work in any of the apps I write in, apparently, even the ones that highlight links. This extension fills the void.

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Jonathan Hollin 9y, 287d ago

You're right. I've been testing and it doesn't work in all apps on a URL. I'd not noticed that before.

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