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Nils 4y, 283d ago

Sorry, old post, but I can't get it to work under Catalina. Anything I might be missing? (I had it working some years ago).

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Brett 4y, 283d ago

It still works the exact same way for me under Catalina. Sure you got the ellipses correct?

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Nils 4y, 282d ago

Thank you for confirming. After I found your post, I got the ellipses correct ;) For some reason, I had to relaunch the finder, now it works. I tried other shortcuts for the finder, they did work without relaunching.

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Matt Bowlby 11y, 89d ago

This is exactly what I was waiting for. Thank you!

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Guest 11y, 106d ago

I don't see a 'Tags…' element inside any of the Finder Menus (??!?), is this why after following your method my shortcut does not bring up anything?

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Derick Fay 11y, 134d ago

I have also added keyboard shortcuts for Automator Services to copy and paste tags to/from the selected file in Finder:

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irowboat 11y, 137d ago

I wrote an AppleScript droplet that appends its own name as an OpenMeta tag/tag bundle (yes, you can have multiple comma-separated tags), and just updated it with the new OpenMeta so it mirrors 10.9.x tags. This way you don't have to use Folder Actions (which means you don't have to have a folder and therefore that you aren't moving files, just applying tags).

(please feel free to fork and fix; my code is surely atrocious)

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zettt 11y, 138d ago

Glad the script was helpful to you, Brett.

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M87 11y, 144d ago

Talking of meta. Ought there be a way to actually find out which repetitive action that we can create a shortcut for, we are wasting our energies on? Sme sort of self spy that tells us, hey look, automate this instead. Because that would solve the problem of having all the keyboard used up in shortcuts.

Thanks for the tip though.

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Caylan Van Larson 11y, 144d ago

tagging will change everything.

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$41710500 11y, 135d ago

I'm starting to see the truth of this.

If Pages etc. in IOS and OSX can see and use the same tags then I'd be ready to quit using Dropbox and put everything in iCloud.

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Jonathan 11y, 144d ago


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ttscoff 11y, 144d ago

d'oh. Yes.

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