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chadhs 11y, 11h ago

This looks like a solid plain text, own your own data, replacement for a service like iDoneThis. I should try and get my iDoneThis for Alfred plugin to post updates via doing and iDoneThis so I can keep a personal archived record of "dones" as well as share with my team via iDoneThis.

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ttscoff 11y, 11h ago

After I publish the next release (which includes flagging and archive by tag), my next thought is to give it nicely-styled html output as an option. It can currently do CSV, but a ready to go page that could be sent to Dropbox and update a web page would be handy for some. Or even for GeekTool users…

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chadhs 11y, 11h ago

Wow that would really open up some possibilities for team collaboration. If my team and I had a shared dropbox folder where their "doing" data was auto exported as html, I could drop in a team.html that pulls in their "dones" dynamically throughout the day. Hmmm… Very cool stuff man.

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Patrick Ahles 11y, 19h ago

Oh man, you're going to fast to keep up with... This is getting interesting more and more!

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