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Michael 12y, 341d ago

Interesting... I'm now wondering if this could work with AirPlay. e.g switching playback from phone headphones to AppleTV when you arrive home, or switching to AirPort Express when you stroll into to the office.

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Brett 12y, 338d ago

I'm pretty sure that's not scriptable, but I'd love to be shown otherwise. That would be really, really cool.

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Jason 12y, 344d ago

Thanks so much!

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Brett 12y, 346d ago

They simply run command groups in Indigo, which are set to turn on/off an entire house code (my office).

 tell application "IndigoServer"
execute group "All Office Lights Off"
end tell
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Jason 12y, 346d ago

Any chance you could post the scripts you use with Indigo? Thanks!

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