Brett, thanks for your brilliant work!
However, you do mention 'Lion fullscreen' among the newest features. But when using nvALT in fullscreen it's completely impossible to switch to other [fullscreen] applications or to call out Mission Control.
Don't you plan to add that kind of OS X compatibility?
Thanks once again,
Hi Brett
I already have converted to text files. I now want to throw everything into My Documents so I have only one large base. (Please note: I don't have subfolders anymore in my documents since I started tagging). In other words, rather than reading from the Notational folder, I would read from documents. Does that make sense?
Hi Brett
Would it make sense if I mix all of my notes inside my documents now that I have everything tagged? I would set preferences to : Read notes from Documents: What's your take on this?
I love it. But I think the ability to search the bunch of texts in the nvALT folder or in the database by tag would be a great feature. Anyway, by looking for this feature on the net, I found a little app to do this on my computer and it does a good job: [TagLists]( "Open the webpage"). Hope this kind of feature for the next release.
It's been a while since the original post. I figure it's time to check in and see if an estimated time line for 2.2 has been developed yet.
If you need beta testers, I'd be happy to volunteer.
A big "Thank you!" for the great work and a feature request: would it be possible to run multiple instances of NV/nvALT on the same machine?
This would be very useful if you had two different usage modes for NV. For instance I would like to use one instance as a daily journal and another instance as a data repository. Having these two types of notes mixed together can get a little confusing.
I tried running two copies at the same time, but they both look for the "Interim" file and one copy asks to quit the other as soon as it is launched.
Hey Brett, I've found a weird Simplenote syncing bug in 2.1: I use Markdown's "+" syntax (rather than "*") for lists, and have found that these sync to Simplenote as spaces. The characters remain correct in my local Notational Data files, so its only NValt pushing the incorrect characters to Simplenote.
Is this some kind of weird sanitisation bug? When I switch to my copy of Notational Velocity (which uses the same Notational Data folder) and force a sync by editing any of the files affected, they're restored to their proper state in Simplenote.
"The current features of nvALT are going to be merged into the main Notational Velocity trunk. nvALT will exist as a “cutting edge” development channel. We’re excited about this change and about bringing the additional features of nvALT to the wider NV audience."
Is there a roadmap/a more detailed announcement?
No roadmap or detailed announcement yet. Zach aka Scrod, the developer of NV, has added Brett and I as contributors to the NV source. We're still working out how it will all play out.
We're talking about nvALT as a (Google Chrome style) "dev" or "beta" channel. Hopefully, not too buggy, but an opportunity for NV/nvALT developers to try out features, UI, and other ideas. Eventually the successful ideas will filter down into NV.
Some of this has been happening since my early, "NV" betas (before Brett and I joined forces), but we might eventually get more involved in NV's code base. And Scrod may get more involved in nvALT's code base.
The next, very important, step is for Brett and I to bring nvALT up to NV's current code base. We've been a step behind for a while, NV is currently at b5. nvALT is based on NVb4 (though we have selectively added some of b5's features). Until that happens, its hard to argue that nvALT is ahead of NV.
I have forgotten to add, that the note-files (I save them as rtfd) are not being read from local storage, except the newest one. However, nvALT is aware of them, as I can see it mentioning them in the log:
03.08.11 07:34:07 nvALT[393] FILE WAS MODIFIED: Lemmings Level 9 Code- OKJOLHCKCR.rtf
I don't know what changed them, it sure was not me, and not all notes got changed, but this is just to show, that nvALT is aware of the files, still does not load them (except first one) and does not sync with Simplenotes.
02.08.11 15:35:47 nvALT[6978] collector-Fetcher(5FB8E0, https://simple-note.appspot... returned Interner Serverfehler
I can not get it to sync with Simplenote. I am on Macbook1,1 1.8GHz CoreDuo, 2GB RAM, OS X 10.6.8
Also, if I select to show nvALT on "All Spaces" it still only shows up on "Space 1"
Elastic threads doesn't have commenting enabled, so I'm posting my suggestion for the Safari extension here.
Currently "Create note from selection" results in a new note with the title extracted from the selection and the following body:
From <url>:
I'd suggest making this more "Markdowny":
From [page_title](url):
> <selection> // proper Markdown blockquote indenting
For this I have updated global.js:
else if (event.command === "selToNV")
title = safari.application.activeBrowserWindow.activeTab.title; //titleFromBody(body);
url = safari.application.activeBrowserWindow.activeTab.url;
url = "From ["+title+"]("+url + "):";
url = encodeURIComponent(url);
//title = encodeURIComponent(title);
body = event.userInfo.selection;
if (body) {
body = "> " + body;
body = body.replace(/(\r\n|\n+|\r)/gm,"\n");
body = body.replace(/\n/g,"\n> \n> ");
body = encodeURIComponent(body);
body = url + "%0D%0D"+body;
title = event.userInfo.selection;
title = titleFromBody(title);
url = event.userInfo.href;
nvLink(url, title);
after upgrading many entries have been modified, resulting in the "modified date" to be screwed!
sorting by date is now a mess, and is very hard to find my last notes, having hundreds of them...
Our implementation of tag sync currently sets a modified date when it syncs the tags. That may be the culprit, and I'm afraid there's not much we can do about it. We're working to fix this behavior, and moving forward it should have less affect on your notes, but I apologize for the initial problems it caused.
I can downgrade to 2.0 and use a backup (luckily I use dropbox and I can rollback to previous db versions).
perhaps I will wait till 2.2.
thank you for the prompt answer
There's a bug in this site's CSS that's hiding the Reply link to your step by step report below. So i'm commenting here.
The ideal sync is definitely to sync note and meta separately and only modify dates for modified notes. I'm just saying that it will be difficult to implement, probably not going to get done by 2.2. so that in the interim we'll likely add an option to sync tags or not and then you can upgrade without screwing up your metadata.
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We haven't actually established that Simplenote tag syncing is the cause of this issue. Would you mind doing a test of 1. Opening up nvALT 2.1 and turn off Simplenote sync, then quit nvALT. 2. rollback your db to previous version. 3. re-open nvALT. Do your modified dates change again? Or are they correct?
Assuming tag sync is the issue:
I'm not super familiar with the tag syncing implementation, but I think it will be difficult to NOT modify note dates when syncing tags (because note dates SHOULD be modified if the note body gets changed during sync). Its unlikely this fix will make it into 2.2. I think what we can do for 2.2 is add a preference setting to sync tags or not (but still sync notes). That way you (and anyone else who depends on Modified Date metadata) can upgrade to 2.2 and get all the upgrades except tag syncing.
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Hmm, doesn't look like it actually syncs to Simplenote in Lion anyway. I have iPad with Simplenote right in front of me and I am keeping eye on it all day, waiting for notes to appear, but nothing is happening.
Nick, altNV 2.1/Lion syncs with Simplenote fine. I've written a note on iPad and iPhone/Nebulous Notes (prefer to SN, but syncs with SN in DropBox), and it appeared in altNV on Mac. Also wrote note in altNV on Mac and it appeared in IOS Neb Notes and SN.
Yep, now works, sorry. Guess it was related to this:
1 Aug 2011 02:49:41.074 nvALT: Fetcher(5189B30, https://simple-note.appspot... returned internal server error
nvALT 2.1 is great but I've found what might be a bug. When trying to save a PDF (via preview/print/Save as PDF…) it results in a plank page. I'm running 10.6.7
Wow, you're right. That wasn't happening to me when I built the feature, but it's definitely happening now. Thanks, look for an update soon.
No, thank you!
I take it back. It's working on my Air, but not on my Mac Pro even after adding my local printer. This is odd…
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So it appears to only happen if you don't have a printer set up. I'll need to find a way to generate the PDF without a printer, which I also need to solve for Marked, so I'll be working on it.
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I have been using altNV for months, and just downloaded 2.1 and Marked. I use both on three Macs and sync with Simplenote, but wonder about best location for Notes Folder. I have been using common Notes Folder on Drop Box for all three Macs by changing Preference, and don't notice a problem.
Thoughts or recommendation? Thanks for great work.