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Paul 12y, 115d ago

Thinking of installing this, as it's useful in my workflow. I don't have anything weird installed on my system for ruby ... but sudo gem install json gives me:

xcrun: Error: could not stat active Xcode path '/Applications/'. (No such file or directory)

Which part of XCode do I need to install? I'm on a MacBook Air, so a workaround would be great without the huge download that is Xcode ...

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Behinder 12y, 134d ago

It's very cool. It worked but now it stopped for unknown reason when run from Textmate :( it's like automator rule error

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Josh Dick 12y, 144d ago

Very cool, thanks for sharing this!

For what it's worth, I was able to modify the Automator workflow to use rvm's default ruby instead of the system ruby by changing the shell to /bin/zsh (bash should work also), moving all of the ruby code to an external file called "SearchLink.rb", and changing the script contents to:

[[ -s $HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm ]] && source $HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm
ruby ~/path/to/SearchLink.rb
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Enno 12y, 143d ago

Brett: thanks so much for making my life a whole lot easier.

Josh: you kick ass. Thanks for this solution. I couldn't find out how to use the system's ruby since I rely on RVM forever. Outsourcing the actual ruby Scripts fits better into my workflow anyway. So, once again, thank you for making this work for me.

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Josh Dick 12y, 143d ago

No problem! I just don't like the idea of installing gems into the system ruby for some reason; I'd rather just leave it untouched.

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Phil 12y, 154d ago

Thanks, Brett! This is awesome and will save me loads of time coding MD links for blog posts. Any chance for Amazon music links, complete with affiliate codes?

Thanks again!

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