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jga 12y, 65d ago

This inspired me to create a little script to just toggle between iTerm and Chrome.  Makes web development very easy.

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Padraic 12y, 65d ago

Didn't work as stated, but I took the idea and just used Keyboard Maestro to map Hyper-Tab to Switch to Last Application and it worked great

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Edi Venturin 12y, 66d ago

Almost the same here Brett. It works, but I see no difference for Command+Tab.

Curious to read your thoughts.

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ttscoff 12y, 61d ago

Figured out why, updated the post. You have to map Hyper-Tab to Cmd-Tab first…

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Edi Venturin 12y, 61d ago

I had BTT in place* (mapping it or not gives same result in here). I just see no difference between using this instead of Cmd-Tab (muscle memory would always use Cmd for that anyway, at least for me)

* for launching Apps with Hyper, like you suggested in the previous post about Useful Caps-Lock

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ttscoff 12y, 61d ago

Muscle memory is exactly why this is handy for me. I instinctively keep the command key held down when hitting command tab, and have never developed a habit of a quick tap. A new mapping that does the same trick is nice (for me). I totally get that anyone who already had this trained as it was meant to be would find this frivolous.

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Jamie 12y, 67d ago

This doesn't seem to be working for me (and I do have the Hyper key set up). Aside from that, how is this different from a quick press of Command+Tab, which also doesn't bring up the app switcher? (Nice graphic, by the way)

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