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Ivo 12y, 113d ago

For it doesn't work.

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John 12y, 119d ago

This worked great! Worked for me on Mountain Lion 10.8.2. Huge speed boost!

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Joshua Kehn 12y, 184d ago

I added this to my .zshrc file. Thanks!

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Kevin Yank 12y, 184d ago

Didn’t work for me:

➤ sqlite3 ~/Library/Mail/V2/MailData/Envelope\ Index vacuum;
SQL error: file is encrypted or is not a database
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nl 12y, 185d ago

For whatever reason, I needed to modify the awk command to 'print $6' as the ls -lsh command puts the file size as the 6th column on the output, not the 5th. Not sure if that's just a typo at your end, or my end, or what....

In any case, thanks for this tip. Not sure yet if will be any faster, but I did cut the size of the Envelope database by approx. 30%.

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Thomas_U 12y, 185d ago

terrific improvement in responsiveness – Thanks a lot!

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Peter 12y, 186d ago

Thanks a ton for this great tip! I'm still running Lion and the path and command is the same.

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