I've just discovered both instapaper and your instapaper beyond; both are great. One problem which seems to only be there with the instapaper beyond extension enabled is that when using the Instapaper Text bookmark thing to view a web page with the simplified formatting provided by this tool, the curser keys seem to be disabled (or at least they don't work). I don't seem to have this problem with the instapaper beyond extension disabled. And don't have the problem when viewing text versions of pages saved to instapaper - only when using instapaper text.
I wondered if you were aware of this or could confirm if this is a possible knock-on effect of the extension.
Loving your work. I'm not sure if this is format issue referenced by others, but I can't get IP Beyond to play nice with IP Greystyled. Unread page loads fine and shortcuts seem to work but formatting goes wonky (unreadable) when you go into each article. This only on Safari (extension), I can get it to work fine using Fluid but it's not my preferred route. Pls let me know if there's a fix, I'd hate to choose between the two!
I am working on a fix. More specifically, a workaround. IB doesn't load the pages that Greystyled is expecting, but rather its own Ajax rendering of the text versions. I could easily enough override the styling in Greystyled and correct it for my version of the pages, but I'd rather work on creating some compatibility with other and future userstyles. I'm hoping to have this worked out for the next update, along with a fix for the fact that you can't use the text-styling tools built into Instapaper when IB is running…
Works great - thanks! - except the layout on the Main/Browse page seems screwed up.
You're welcome! I'm working on the Browse page thing (and a few other issues) right now. Fixing the key trapping to not conflict with other plugins is requiring some refactoring, but I'll get an update out soon.
Another idea, while I'm making work for you: a contextual menu item to send links to Instapaper (without having to open them first). There's a few apps that do this on iPad and it's very handy.
For extra credit: a contextual menu item to send links (or rather the pages to which they link) to DevonThink!