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Eric A. Bowers 9y, 129d ago

What a totally brave post. Thanks for sharing and I will check out a new version when it's available.

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Paulo Eduardo Diniz 9y, 153d ago

Brett, I don't know you but I wish you the best and that you can find the peace of mind to focus on what you do best, which is developing / hacking together great code. I think that when we focus on what we do best, all the other problems slowly are overcame. You are lucky to have found that thing called vocation. Cheers from Brazil

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Jesse Redmond 9y, 165d ago

Feel better bro! I look forward to an update, but put your health and happiness first.

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Phil 9y, 167d ago

Will be waiting with great anticipation. nvALT (current) is an indispensable tool in my daily workflow and I'm sure that nvALT (new) will be worth paying for! We appreciate all your work on nvALT, Marked, and all the services that you create and wish you success with your health issues. Keep on keeping on!

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EqualityForAll 9y, 168d ago

READY, Waiting but you be healthy

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Martinicat 9y, 169d ago

Brett, just as surely as I wear my blue Terpstra Labs Tshirt, I will purchase good old NValt's commercial successor. You have worked hard and long on this useful tool, and you deserve your just rewards, and if we all buy the commercial successor and help you take it out of beta, you have just won the lottery. Cheers!

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Ed Glazer 9y, 170d ago

Ugh, that sounds unbelievably frustrating. I hope your honesty and openness is met with uncharacteristic and unflinching love and supportiveness. I think your contributions to the mac world are awesome man. Stay classy Brett Terpstra!

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pixeljammer 9y, 171d ago

Good luck. Good for you for talking openly.

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embamba 9y, 176d ago

I look forward to the paid update. nvALT is an integral part of my daily usage of electronic devices. Thank you a lot for that. Much more importantly, take care, find the right roads to feeling well, and my thoughts are with you.

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Nick 9y, 180d ago

Brett, thanks for the update. Will the new app be cross-platform or
Mac-only? Please make it cross-platform, as there is nothing like nValt
on Windows or Linux.


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digitalmockup 9y, 181d ago

We all support you Brett

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Tor Løseth 9y, 185d ago

Take care Brett, you do so much good for us, we're by your side man.

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JoshuaRJones 9y, 185d ago

Looking forward to the new nvALT and I'm glad you got your medical issues dealt with. A doctor willing to listen to their patients concerns is important, and it sounds like you were being ignored pretty bluntly.

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Tom 9y, 186d ago

Your openness is exemplary! And good to hear you're back on track. Hope you'll create an amazing app i can spend some dollars on. Maybe take a look at the great java app Zettelkasten by Daniel Lüdecke http://zettelkasten.daniell... for some inspirations for features. Some kind of outliner would be sooo nice.. ;)

For example, today, I built a script to gather all wiki-style links across my notes in a separate note to have a kind of overview of, and be able to browse keywords.

looks something like this (Not "beautiful" I guess but I'm no coder! I just cobble together what I'm able to):

egrep -roh --include="*.md" --exclude="Schlagwö" "\[\[[^20@].*?]]" ~/Documents/[nvALT] | sort -uf > /Users/tom/Documents/[nvALT]/Schlagwö
sed -i '' -E 's/\[\[/* \[\[/g' ~/Documents/[nvALT]/Schlagwö
sed -i '' '1s/^/# Schlagwörter\'$'\n/' ~/Documents/[nvALT]/Schlagwö
sed -i '' '2s/^/\'$'\n/' ~/Documents/[nvALT]/Schlagwö

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Roger Cavanagh 9y, 186d ago

Another voice in the crowd rooting for you after reading this.

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Jesse Atkinson 9y, 186d ago

Love you brother.

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Paul Wirth 9y, 186d ago

Badassery. Congratulations on sticking to your guns and getting the treatment you knew needed. And you and David Halter also deserve to make some money from all your efforts with nvAlt, and I'm sure you will via its successor.

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Designer and Geek 9y, 186d ago

Aw man, sorry to hear about your medical troubles.

I just started using nvAlt, as I've just founded my own company and am in serious need of centralizing my notes instead of being scattered all over the place. Will most definitely be buying the new thingy!

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Mathias Rhein 9y, 186d ago

Brett- thank You for the honesty. Good to see you being thus aware and self-observant to survive the occasional idiot in a white robe as I know many folks that don't.

Nice going- looking forward to the new app, whenever it's ready.

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scdpiro 9y, 186d ago

Thank you for the update - I use nvAlt constantly. Best wishes for you -

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chetsir 9y, 186d ago

Thanks for the update and honesty Brett. Glad things in your personal life are moving in the right direction again. Thanks for all of your hard work!

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Chip 9y, 186d ago

Glad to hear you're back on track. Looking forward to the new app. All the best!

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Tony Williams 9y, 186d ago

Brett, as someone who has subscribed to your blog for quite a while and enjoyed your writing and your software I thank you.

I'm sorry you had trouble with your psychiatrist. I suffer from chronic depression and often have trouble getting the help I need. You have my understanding and sympathy.

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bzhgeek 9y, 186d ago

Brett, I have to admit I never knew your condition and would have never guessed. I probably have ADHD but I prefer to ignore it and keep going.

Now I just hope you'll get back to your own pace (the one we all enjoy reading your words and using your work) very soon.

I love nvALT but as a former NV user, YOU made me switch and whatever you deliver next I'll be happy to buy it. Keep making us productive and thanks for being such a true speaking guy.

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Fabrizio Lodi 9y, 186d ago

I love nvAlt, and I'll for sure buy it when will come out. But I also learned to care about you through Internet, to know what a person you are - and this post shot it all - so I'll tell you take care of yourself first, we'll wait.

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KellerAsaf 9y, 187d ago

I am one on the hundreds of thousands who enjoy nvAlt (and many of Brett's gems). I am glad to hear that you are doing better. Take your time; your fans patiently await.

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Ruben Schade 9y, 187d ago

All the best Brett, thanks for your honesty ♡. Looking forward to the nvALT replacement, whenever you're able to release :)

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Alexandre Costa 9y, 187d ago

Psychiatrists can be tricky. Trust your guts about meds, and choose a doctor who empowers you to do so. From one ADD person to another. 😊

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davemacdo 9y, 187d ago

Take care of yourself. I'm as excited about the new apps as anybody, but I can be patient.

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Behinder 9y, 187d ago

Holy mother of God. I never knew you are bi-polar. And even with such awful illness you managed to code so many good stuff. I admire such attitude, I recently noticed I am unable to make progress with my work and decided to end my adventure with Xcode, coding and Apple stuff to avoid frustration. I never experienced clinical depression, probably rather something called "bad mood". But I can imaging how destructive such thing can be and keep my finger crossed or your health and new app.

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Kai von Fintel 9y, 187d ago

Good luck! We'll be here when your app is ready.

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