Whats your take on Scapple for the Mac? I'm admittedly very inexperienced with mind mapping apps on the whole but really relate to the "floating" nature of Scapple text inputs. That aspect more closely fits my natural method of hammering out lots of seemingly unrelated ideas and making the connections after the fact. Other apps seem to expect the organization to be already considered based on the method of input... type text string → triple spacebar → continue typing related child or sibling entry...
Just curious of any thoughts you had that may give me an idea of how it compares to others I'm not familiar with.
This is a feature I very much like. It made me think of Prezi but with al the speed MindMeister has for quickly dumping text and rearranging it. Editing the presentation is really easy. I mentioned it for the Dutch site lifehacking http://lifehacking.nl/produ... as a bonus feature on an already great tool