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parkerbennett 7y, 96d ago

I've been holding off on diving into Logic. This is a great motivator, thanks! Do you use and recommend any third-party plugins for, say, noise removal, de-essing, or compression?

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Richard E. Zultner 7y, 94d ago

iZotope RX 6 is fabulous for repair work, and most modules are Audio Units, so they work inside LP X. Their RX Essentials entry-level package is great when it goes on sale...

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Aaron Dowd 7y, 97d ago

Glad to share other tips if anyone has any questions!

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parkerbennett 7y, 96d ago

I asked above about recommended third-party plugins like Waves. Any that are particularly useful to podcasting or voiceover?

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Aaron Dowd 7y, 96d ago

Hey Parker, the short answer is no, you don't need third-party plugins. Logic comes with a bunch of great plugins. The six I've used on almost every single project for the past three years are:

1. Speech Enhancer (it's a legacy noise removal plugin that works great for removing line noise and other low-level noises)

2. EQ

3. De-esser

4. Compressor

5. Adaptive Limiter

6. Loudness Meter (so you can check your loudness levels against the standard of -18 LUFS)

The only plugins I find myself using outside of the stock Logic plugins are from Iztope, the Dialogue Denoiser and De-Clipper from the RX Elements plugin pack, which you can get for $129 (it goes on sale occasionally if you want to wait and save a little bit of cash).

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