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Brian 13y, 351d ago

Hey Brett,

thanks so much for all the work and love you are putting out!

I've have seen/heard so much about nvalt, that I would love to intall it, but I can't because I have NV already installed and use it locally. From what I understand, there is NO workaround, is that right? And what is the status on the update to make it possible to run nvALT after an NV installation.

Thanks again for the great work!

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Brett 13y, 351d ago

The new version should be out by tomorrow, if all goes well.

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Dennis 13y, 358d ago

Any new news on nvAlt 1.0.8? I am sure many are (more or less) patiently waiting.

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Brett 13y, 358d ago

ElasticThreads and I are actually jumping it to 2.0, and it's nearly finished. Hopefully this week.

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frank 14y, 21d ago

Great to know that nvALT is still a work in progress.

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Thomas 14y, 22d ago


Just watch your back, your future self might gonna have had got a DeLorean.

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Thomas 14y, 22d ago

Brett, are you still hiring? I'd like to apply as proofreader for headings and URLs - or else I've missed 1.0.8 thru 2.0.7 ;-)

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Thomas 14y, 22d ago

No surprise it was already mentioned on MacUpdate two weeks ago (cutting-edge as always).

ehd commented on 13 Feb 2011

I've failed to compile the latest beta of NVALT (2.x) despite installing XCode. Does some know of a beta for NvAlt 2?
[Version 1.0.7]


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ttscoff 14y, 22d ago


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Michael Rose 14y, 23d ago

Dragging is... A... Drag.

We can haz keyboard shortcut for import URL plz?

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Xang Yao 14y, 23d ago

It looks like shortcuts work, too. ( "paste-as-new-note, etc." ).

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Xang Yao 14y, 23d ago

Doc, Brett's not working on a URL importer, because NV's had it since day one.

And it looks like that's already been improved in the newest version:

"Text and URLs dragged onto the application icon are also now imported"

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Doc Rock 14y, 22d ago

I must have misread! I assumed me meant adding something that looks more like [MarkdownRules]( "Markdown Rules") as it uses Readability and Markdownify.

"It also incorporates the Readability and Markdownify features I promised for URL import. More details when I post the >download."

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ttscoff 14y, 22d ago

I'm adding Readability and Markdownify to the existing url importer :).

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Doc Rock 14y, 23d ago

Aloha Brett,
Thanks for the update. I like the idea of having Markdownify and Readability built in as well as the URL importer. Keep up the good work and yes we users of NVA are totally appreciative of your work. I know I am for sure.


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Erik M-H 14y, 24d ago

Thanks much for the update, Brett; it’s appreciated. I’ve been dreaming (well, almost literally) about your foreseen 1.0.8 features built onto the new NV — and have been trying not to be too disappointed each day when there’s no sign of the new nvALT….

Let us know if some more beer-money donations would help get a new release out the door!

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