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Ian 11y, 338d ago

I'm really interested in including a lot of the tips here in my upcoming, and future, rebuild(s). However, I am a relative newbie to things such as symlinks. Are they really worth it and are there any cool references or further tips you can provide on their application? My current plan is to just recover the preferences from a time machine backup after upgrading to SSD as my boot drive in my early 2011 MBP and then moving the existing HDD to the optibay as a data drive for media, etc. I really can't decide whether this is too much effort for the number of times I am likely to rebuild in the near future...

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Kevin McKenzie 11y, 335d ago

Hi. I'd say probably not if you only have a single computer that you do regular backups of. The symlinking things to Dropbox strategy is much more useful if you have multiple systems you want to share configurations between, and/or you want to have a backup of the files off-site.

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Adam Wilbert 11y, 350d ago

I also keep a running list in notes for terminal commands such as 2D dock and delay settings. I find most of the default transitions way too slow, but turning them off completely is jarring and disorienting. "defaults write expose-animation-duration -float 0.075; killall Dock" and "defaults write workspaces-edge-delay -float 0.1; killall Dock" go a long way to making things feel snappy.

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Kevin McKenzie 11y, 356d ago

Do you use softlinks or hardlinks, and which way do you go? Recommendations I've seen are to link out of dropbox to the file/folder in question, but that would be a bit onerous in this case.

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PatrickNo 11y, 356d ago

Nice collection!

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James Webster 11y, 357d ago

As far as symlinking goes, you might consider Stow a useful tool to set up the links ( ), although then again, if you only do this rarely, perhaps not.

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JS 11y, 358d ago

I have some funds set aside for a new Macbook Air. I was planning on waiting till the next update (hoping for a better display). Why did you choose to upgrade now?

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mehlkelm 11y, 358d ago

On my MacBook Air, used on train commutes, no tweak has increased my productivity like this one:

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Hasse Ramlev Hansen 11y, 358d ago

Nice post, whats "spot" mentioned as a util installable through homebrew, cannot find it ?

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ttscoff 11y, 358d ago

Sorry, I forgot that one is a manual install:

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Hasse Ramlev Hansen 11y, 358d ago

But after i have tested "spot" i cannot see why you're using it since you have silver-searcher installed ?

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dlehman 11y, 359d ago

By "Silver Surfer", you actually mean "Silver Searcher", right? (

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Brett Terpstra 11y, 358d ago

dammit. I have never made so many mistakes in a single post.

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Brett Terpstra 11y, 359d ago

All links fixed up, and a few missing ones added. Writing posts in vim is not as effective as my usual MMDC/Marked setup…

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mkomitee 11y, 359d ago

Lots of the links (at least in the Utilities section) are incorrect.

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Nick Graham 11y, 359d ago

Just a heads up, the first list of links (under utilities) are all incorrect. They're the same links under apps.

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