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Scott Granneman 13y, 140d ago

Dang it - your comment box stripped out my pound signs. Pretend that Lorem ipsum has 1 pound sign, then 2, then 3, then 4. Hello world is just a paragraph.

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Brett 13y, 140d ago

Fixed your comment :). I think Fletcher will figure out the issue pretty quickly, so I'm going to leave the templates as is for now and see if MMDC catches up. If it doesn't happen soon, though, I'll provide an alternate download with the size changes stripped out.

Thanks for the followup!

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Scott Granneman 13y, 140d ago

It&#8217s not just large docs. Here&#8217s what I told Fletcher in my last email:

Created a document that had nothing in it but &#8220Hello world&#8221. Changed
themes 4 times. All fine.

Created a document like this:

Hello world.

# Lorem ipsum

Hello world.

## Lorem ipsum

Hello world.

### Lorem ispum

Hello world.

#### Lorem ipsum

Hello world.

Changed themes three times. Third time I chose Caffeinated, bam! Crash!

It&#8217s the frickin&#8217 font sizes. Gotta be.

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Scott Granneman 13y, 140d ago

Brett, after much back and forth with Fletcher, I'm almost 100% positive that the font sizes are causing the crash. You might want to remove font size changes from your themes until they're fully supported in the app - which is too bad, as they're fantastic. But alas, I don't think MMDC can handle them at this point.

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Scott Granneman 13y, 140d ago

Brett, when I try to switch to Caffeinated I get this error message:

There were some errors when parsing the stylesheet:

• Value 'faf1e' is not a valid color value: it should be a hexadecimal number, 6 or 8 characters long.

What's weird is that you use faf1ed everywhere in the document.

Oh, and then if I switch around between your themes a few times, MMDC crashes! I'll let Fletcher know.


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Brett 13y, 140d ago

Hmmm, I'm not running into this. I would suggest converting the color code in the theme to all caps and see if FAF1ED makes any difference to the parser…

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Brett 13y, 140d ago

I can get a crash to happen if I have a few large documents open and try to switch to one of my themes. I'll mention this to Fletcher as well.

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Monte 13y, 146d ago

Very nice. Since raising my eyebrows with Markdown, you have helped transform a steady workflow into something fun with your wonderful creations. Thanks for the goodness.

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peter lindsay 13y, 148d ago

OK sorry, so I create the folder. Doh.

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peter lindsay 13y, 148d ago

~/Library/Application Support/MultiMarkdown Composer/Styles
path doesn't seem to exist on my mac. Have installed composer but would like to use new themes.

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Brett 13y, 148d ago

Forgot to mention that you may have to create the MultiMarkdown Composer/Styles part if it doesn't exist.

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