Dang it - your comment box stripped out my pound signs. Pretend that Lorem ipsum has 1 pound sign, then 2, then 3, then 4. Hello world is just a paragraph.
It’s not just large docs. Here’s what I told Fletcher in my last email:
Created a document that had nothing in it but “Hello world”. Changed
themes 4 times. All fine.
Created a document like this:
Hello world.
# Lorem ipsum
Hello world.
## Lorem ipsum
Hello world.
### Lorem ispum
Hello world.
#### Lorem ipsum
Hello world.
Changed themes three times. Third time I chose Caffeinated, bam! Crash!
It’s the frickin’ font sizes. Gotta be.
Brett, after much back and forth with Fletcher, I'm almost 100% positive that the font sizes are causing the crash. You might want to remove font size changes from your themes until they're fully supported in the app - which is too bad, as they're fantastic. But alas, I don't think MMDC can handle them at this point.
Brett, when I try to switch to Caffeinated I get this error message:
There were some errors when parsing the stylesheet:
• Value 'faf1e' is not a valid color value: it should be a hexadecimal number, 6 or 8 characters long.
What's weird is that you use faf1ed everywhere in the document.
Oh, and then if I switch around between your themes a few times, MMDC crashes! I'll let Fletcher know.