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unverified 2y, 276d ago


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Chris Awad 10y, 267d ago

very cool! Is there a way to create an extension using popclip (or manually) that can create a preconfigured keyboard shortcut on the fly?

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Khamosh Pathak 10y, 296d ago

Looks awesome. Thanks for building this.

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sunildvr 10y, 300d ago

Great extension, just used it to create an extension for a local academic library. Thanks! Looking forward to seeing where you take this.

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Johnny 10y, 304d ago

Love the app but it isn't working for me; the app won't create files.
(10.8.5 on Mid 2011 iMac i7)

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mm 10y, 308d ago

This is great. Definitely App store worthy

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Paul Fowler 10y, 309d ago

Excellent stuff Brett, just created a couple of PopClip searches, they look and work great, superb stuff, thanks so much, really appreciated.

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flopse 10y, 310d ago

Very useful, thank you Brett!
Is there any chance of a 32bit version?

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ttscoff 10y, 310d ago

Given that I don't really want to build for anything before Mountain Lion, and I don't think there are any 32bit machines that can run that or newer, probably not.

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Adrian 10y, 310d ago

This is fantastic. Just created two search extensions in seconds which I wanted for work.

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Rob Workman 10y, 311d ago

Make that 5 comments, great idea, hope it takes off!

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西予SY 10y, 312d ago

Great! thanks!

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Shelfbuzz 10y, 312d ago

Love this, Brett!
Does anyone know if there is a PopClip extension for Pinterest? I've been searching for a while now, but can't find anything. I'd love to be able to highlight some text on a page and have PopClip pop up a Pinterest extension to post on Pinterest. Thnx! SB

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marco 10y, 312d ago

Absolutely amazing. Thanks so much!

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Mike Schmitz 10y, 312d ago

This is awesome - thanks Brett!

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