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tharwan 10y, 72d ago

I am in Finland at the moment. We have a lot of snow right now after we had a lot of ice… People are driving cars with rear wheel drive without any problems because they all have studded winter tires. I almost can not believe this is not in the list: 0. USE WINTER TIRES - They make all the diffrence.

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Eric Lightbody 10y, 73d ago

Loved the Wisconsin reference; I just so happen to live there. One other point you may want to think about adding is a dedicated set of winter tires. It's seriously amazing how much better traction they offer.

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Bica 10y, 74d ago

Next up, how to walk to your car without breaking your shoulder or throwing your cell phone... in the north?

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ttscoff 10y, 73d ago


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Bica 10y, 73d ago

Which is great if you never take the car anywhere.

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ttscoff 10y, 73d ago

Yeah, there's not a great solution if you have to park anywhere other than sheltered parking for more than 30m. Carry a salt canister and have lots of time to wait?

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Bica 10y, 73d ago

Small steps, hands out of pockets, phone in pocket and pray. Also, number 8.

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Michael 10y, 74d ago

There's nothing wrong with rear wheel drive if you know what you're doing. Don't get snotty with the rest of us just because you don't.

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ttscoff 10y, 74d ago

There are so few people who would knowingly take a RWD vehicle out on the ice that I consider it safe to assume that those who do know enough not to heed the advice of a lowly blogger.

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Michael 10y, 73d ago

Ah, the Jon Stewart defense...

I thought you were better than that.

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Josh 10y, 74d ago

I don't feel this is particular relevant to a technology focused blog

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ttscoff 10y, 74d ago

I love you.

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