Brett - Garrick here from the web font delivery service, I'd love to talk w/ you about integrating a wider selection of fonts into the Reader - and supporting non Latin character sets. Drop me a line and lets talk.
Thanks for this. Font choice not to my taste, but you've shown how to customize the font in the body text, which had defeated me until now. Would love a version with a DevonThink Pro HUD button in place of Evernote...
Sounds like you know what you're doing with CSS, replacing the fonts should be easy :). I'm actually working on a "theme to rule all themes" that allows customization from a side panel, swapping out backgrounds, colors, fonts and HUD buttons. It'll take me a while (I have limited free time :) but it will be pretty handy when I finish it!
I'm considering making a web tool that generates themes the way that Arc90 did with the original Reader. Pick your settings and it gives you a Reader.html file suited to your taste. That will happen if I give up on the multi-theme at some point :).
It's wonderful.
By the way, even when I'm using your 'Reader.html' file, I see no change in the background's font! It's the same Palatino, not Crimson Text. And I can't change that by myself, i.e. even when I change the 'Crimson Text' to something like 'Geeza Pro' (that has Persian characters), when I restart Safari, the body font is still the same. I can't understand why the body font can't be changed like the header's. Is there any way we could alter the body's font? It doesn't make sense, 'cause it;s just a goddamn CSS file; When we change that to use 'Geeza Pro', It MUST use 'Geeza Pro', not 'Palatino'. :-(
Maybe it has something to do with Google??? Google blocks Iranian IPs and doesn't allow us to use their APIs.
There are several selectors that override the font set in the body tag, if that's what you mean. Did you try changing every instance (search and replace) of Crimson Text?
Not sure what to tell you about Google API's, I have no experience with foreign firewalls or Google policies… but, if you go to the here, can you see the various fonts displayed?
Good job! But no russian character in font. I try use @font-face, but I did not succeed to make it work.
I always forget about localization :). I'd recommend going into the html file and deleting all references to 'crimson text'. Just leave the rest of the line alone, or replace it with a font you know will have the proper charset.
Google not distribute russian character set in font. I trying use @font-face in Reader.html, but Safari not found font in Resources directory.
Right, what you want to do is just use a system font, probably serif (Palatino or whatever you know has a full UTF8 character set), to fix it. You won't have much luck with Google fonts, and @font-face will require that you add the otf version of the font to the Resources directory and reference it with safari-resource:/yourfilename.otf.