I guess my outburst was slightly ill considered. Sorry. I do use plain old vim in a shell over ssh (when in not just living in a shell under OSX, also using vim). Issh is great, I love it, I have a wireless keyboard, and work wherever. The iPad is changing me, but mostly as a dumb terminal for really old habits.
I am annoyed with Xcode, for instance. Damn kids on my lawn. Move with the flow, I guess.
How do you use paired wrapping? That makes me insane. I never understand what scope I'm in unless I type it, and constantly arrow-keying, ugh.
Am I using these tools wrong, or just poisoned by vi? Because I'm totally sticking with vi, but can't believe you all are stupid.
I'm assuming you don't mean the vim iOS app, because the lack of an accessible escape key seems like a horrible oversight and a UX travesty. I do like vi/vim over SSH in Prompt when I need to make direct changes on a server.
Are we just talking about iOS editors here? Wrapping on iOS means I can drag out my selection and tap one key to add quotes, parenthesis, and brackets. Much easier than positioning the cursor with taps, typing a character, repositioning (and getting frustrated because the cursor never ends up where I want it, resulting in 3 or 4 taps to get it at the right character -- much smoother when dragging a selection), then finding the other half of the pair.
I use the "surround" plugin in vim, btw, which is awesome.