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Gabe 13y, 119d ago

This is great stuff to know. I've written down the shortcuts and will keep them handy so I can start memorising them as I use Byword. It's one of my favourite apps now. I even wrote my own Byword review here

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Pattulus 13y, 131d ago

Great stuff again. I was using the build in markdown shortcuts and some of keybinding magic* from you, Lri and myself trying hard to achieve some of this shortcuts. But to know that they are already there and perfectly integrated I'm happy as can be.

<li>Thanks for the keybinding article - it was another eye opener for me and makes my go to application for students (PearNote) much more usable.</li>

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Lri 13y, 134d ago

One more fairly useful pair of shortcuts is ⌘' / ⌥⌘' for increasing or decreasing quote level.

WriteRoom 3.0 received some of keyboard shortcut love as well:

<li>⌥⌘↑ / ⌥⌘↓ for Expand / Contract Selection</li>
<li>⌘[ / ⌘] for Shift Left / Right</li>
<li>⌥⌘[ / ⌥⌘] for Move Line Up / Down</li>

I'm really liking the direction OS X writing / note taking apps have been moving to recently. More keyboard shortcuts and Markdown features... I'm (happily) stuck with nvALT though because I couldn't live without search or create.

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