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Zettt 13y, 182d ago

Here's another Vim command. I'd prefer to launch Marked with a command rather than a shortcut (which turned out to be a problem, since Vim has an internal open command as well)

command! Marked silent !open -a "" "%:p"


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Barry 13y, 189d ago

You can't have a preview command for vi without also including one for emacs...

(defun markdown-preview-file ()
"run Marked on the current file and revert the buffer"
(format "open -a /Applications/ %s"
(shell-quote-argument (buffer-file-name))))
(global-set-key "\C-cm" 'markdown-preview-file)

Just put it into your .emacs file, command key is "Ctrl-c m".

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kewagi 13y, 189d ago

Great, thanks for this! And to make me feel productive, here's a bash script that opens a .d file in Marked from the Terminal.

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Justin Luey 13y, 189d ago

Marked was awesome from day one, but these scripts take it to a whole new level. Thanks.

I also love this 'Display In Marked' service

I modified it to save a temporary text file to my Desktop.

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Brett 13y, 189d ago

Hey Justin, both links in your post are giving me File Not Found errors. I'd love to see the script, though, let me know if you have a direct link.

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Justin Luey 13y, 189d ago

Sorry that wasn't my post. I downloaded from the above link last week and then modified it.

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Ammon 13y, 189d ago

Thanks for putting these scripts together! I'm looking forward to the new version of nvALT. Any idea on when it will be ready for primetime?

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Brett 13y, 189d ago

Not a clue yet, I'm pulled in many directions right now :). We're definitely hoping to have it sooner than later, though; trying to beat our last release delay by a significant margin.

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