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Manxam 11y, 225d ago

Brett, thanks for continually adding new features and scripts to your site. Loving nvALT.
Unfortunately, while GrabLinks works perfectly with FF 23 on OSX, Bullseye does not. It works fine on Chrome and I'm redirected to the markdown page but on FF I continually get the red box no matter what I do (besides escape).

I can see nothing in the console that would denote any major errors either.

Any ideas?


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ttscoff 11y, 225d ago

Looks like Firefox requires the form element to actually be attached to the body before it will let you submit it. Fixed, try the bookmarklet again now.

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whrose 11y, 230d ago

Talking about the Marky copy button --- am I right to
conclude that one needs Flash to press the button (unlike
the Preview button). If so, is it very difficult to make it
a button which one can press without Flash, so that people
can use the site on their iOS-devices (or other non-Flash
devices or browsers)?

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ttscoff 11y, 230d ago

Web browsers don't have native access to the clipboard for security reasons.

The best option right now for iOS is to modify the bookmarklet as mentioned above to return just plain text, then use Select All to grab it.

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queuebit 11y, 231d ago

I need to remember to wait three days after you post your first version so I can get the bestest version and only have to make changes once.

Thanks again!

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ttscoff 11y, 231d ago

But this one auto-updates!

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queuebit 11y, 231d ago

I know, but I forked 0.2 and changed functionality to select text instead of render markdown.

Now that you added awesome, I have to incorporate that awesome into my fork.

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ttscoff 11y, 231d ago

I try so hard. Can't please everybody :).

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