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Januz 10y, 347d ago

Hm, I really respect people like your wife for doing this work. But I can not really understand why people and whole organizations would focus only on specific kinds of animals (i.e., abused pets), but completely ignore the (in most cases much harder) cruelty another "category" of animals (farm animals) has to suffer. This *artificial* distinction (as becomes evident if one looks which kinds of animals are considered what around the world) does not make sense to me and is only the result of cultural habits and indoctrination. How can one on the one hand feel pity for those dogs and on the other hand feed them (and oneself) with animals that are just as smart and sensible (if not more) than they are? Sorry to bring in these bad vibes (is this already PETA crazy?). Best, J

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ttscoff 10y, 347d ago

If you try to save everyone by spreading resources, you save no one.

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Januz 10y, 346d ago

Sure. I don't say that this organization does not make sense or does not do good work, and indeed to make a difference focussing on a particular problem makes sense. I just wanted to stress that I find it kind of strange that everybody is on board if there are dogs and cats to save, but nobody feels the same for the not-so-lovable animals (I would bet that if you posted the same post to support an organization against intensive livestock farming, the responses would not be so warm). Indeed, the not-so-loveable creatures are even used to feed the lovable-ones (or for colars etc.) which multiplies the wrongfulness. I listen to your podcast and, as you often express your love for animals/your pets, I asked myself where you stand regarding these issues. Your post plus insomnia on my part motivated me to write these comments, sorry :)

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ttscoff 10y, 346d ago

It's okay. I was vegetarian for 17 years, partly because of my views on the treatment of livestock. Since starting to eat meat and wear leather again, I am very conscious of where the meat -- and even eggs -- comes from (free-range, grass fed, organic). I don't support any large-scale livestock or poultry operation where animals live their lives in cramped cages and are fed chemicals, sugars, and their own friends.

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Januz 10y, 346d ago

Thanks. Sad that you are not vegetarian/vegan anymore, but good to hear that you try to be as conscious as possible about your consum decisions, in the end it's the only power we have... All the best, J

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Don Schaffner 10y, 347d ago

Great to know this is good cause. Thanks to your wife for all her good works, and to you for spreading the word.

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Dee M. 10y, 347d ago

Amazing. I will absolutely be doing this. My mother and I volunteer at MLAR (Main Line Animal Rescue), a great organization that does rescues as well as adoptions. I've only ever helped out post-rescue (taking care of the dogs and preparing them for adoption), and have so much admiration for your wife and the work she does. To witness that kind of cruelty first hand can't be easy, but she pushes through for the end result no matter how much it must break her heart to see all that. Thank you for sharing.

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