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Doc Rock 14y, 27d ago

I have seen Screensteps go by on many a bundle deal around the holidays. somehow, I&#8217ve always skipped over it because I use Little Snapper and Ember as well as Screenflow. Now I can totally see a much better usecase for getting Screensteps Pro.

You Rock B, now stop blogging and send me your version of the markdown outline. :)

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Trevor DeVore 14y, 30d ago

Brett - I'm not familiar with custom types in WordPress. If you could specify a custom type when uploading from ScreenSteps could you bypass the additional step of using Upload Images to Blog?

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Brett 14y, 30d ago

It certainly would, but you'd have to look into and see if it's even feasible to work with. Actually, I haven't even figured out how to post as a custom type from any of my tools. I think you'd actually have to install a plugin that would add an XMLRPC hook for selected post types, and then post that way. If you have any questions or want a jumpstart on how they work, feel free to email me about it.

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